Academy on Wheels 

You choose the means of travel – by private bus at your disposal or by rail? 

By private bus


Private Bus travel is the most popular means of transportation for groups in Israel because of its flexibility and easy access to and from the group’s accommodation. Buses also have the added advantage of being convenient for guiding during road journeys.

All the buses in our fleet are tourist-class buses of the highest quality and latest models. Our drivers are among the best in Israel and have

BY PRIVATE BUSmany years of experience working with youth groups. Last, but not least, our buses are serviced regularly and meet the most stringent safety standards.

By rail


If you wish to experience Israel in an unconventional way that is also good for the environment, then traveling by train is just the ticket for you. Israel Railways connects all the country’s major urban centers such as Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa while affording a comfortable and eco-friendly ride between destinations.
Train travel is an excellent opportunity to mingle with local Israelis while truly immersing yourself in the eclectic human mosaic that is Israel.
Israel’s train stations are easily accessible by public transportation (such as buses) and are located within the respective cities as well as at the airport.